They hang around your web site. Not buying Cheap Jerseys China , just lurking. Checking out what you're doing and what your target audience is doing. They wait patiently looking for any opening you may accidently give and then they strike. Who are they? Your competitors and they're going after your customers but you can avoid hearing the theme from "Jaws". How?
1. Ask
Your target audience may or may not like your web site. The same goes for your newsletter, products, services Cheap Jerseys , affiliate programs etc but the only way to know is to ask. The feedback you get from your customers can show you things you may not have been aware of or emphasize what you already knew. Either way asking for their input not only helps you but makes them feel more connected. A major step to building a good relationship.
2. Stay In Touch
Contact your customers on a regular basis. Offer them a free e-zine subscription. Ask if they want to be updated by e-mail when you make changes to your web site. After every sale follow-up to see if they are satisfied with their purchase.
3. Friendly Web Site
Make your web site easy to navigate. Have a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page to explain anything that might be confusing. Use an electronic survey to find out how to make your web site more customer friendly.
4. Easy And Free Communication
Make it easy for your customers to contact you. Offer as many contact methods as possible. Hyperlink your e-mail address so people won't have to type it. Offer toll free numbers for phone and fax contacts. Getting in touch with you should never turn into a Kafka novel.
5. Teach Your Employees
If you have employees, make sure they know and use your service policy. Give your employees bonuses or incentives to practice excellent customer service. Tell employees to be flexible with each individual since each person has different concerns, needs and wants. That goes for your employees also. Give them guidelines but encourage them to come up with their own ideas for customer satisfaction.
6. Impress
Give your audience more than they expect. Send thank you gifts to lifetime customers. E-mail them online greeting cards on holidays or birthdays. Award bonuses or discounts to those who make a big purchase. One simple way to impress your customers is to follow through. If you say you're going to do something Wholesale Baseball Jerseys , by all means do it. Broken promises can lead to bad feelings.
7. Above All, Be Nice
Always be polite. Use the words Please, Thank You Wholesale MLB Jerseys , and Your Welcome. Be polite to your customers even if they are being irate with you. We're all human and nobody likes getting yelled at but stay calm, admit your mistake and apologize. Move to correct the mistake quickly and make it up to your customers in a big way. This approach will satisfy the majority of people. Why? Because most customers just want an acceptable resolution to their problem. A little humility goes a long way.
Follow these steps and watch your competitors swim off into the horizon... with empty stomachs.
Of Ring Sizes and Tips: How to Find Gold Rings
Posted by adairsawyer on August 6th, 2011
Gold rings and rings in general are important accessories for many people. In fact these rings are more than just accessories; some of these rings are considered by many as silent witnesses to some of the person’s most important events in her life. From graduation to wedding Wholesale Jerseys China , rings of different kinds and designs including the white gold rings are used to document some of the best moments and used by many as well to signify how important a person or an event is. This is how important gold rings are, and this is why many take the search for the rings seriously. Here are some hints that you would want to consider if this is the first time or the second time that you are shopping for rings including white gold rings.
• If you are doing your shopping offline and in person, make sure that you ask the sales in charge to write down and document all information that are related to the rings. Documentation is important if something goes wrong later on and you would like to get back at the seller.
• It is also important that before closing the sale you ask about the boutique’s refund and return policy.
• If you are buying gold rings online Wholesale Jerseys , make sure that all related documents are kept. The printouts, web pages and any forms of receipts should be kept handy and stored. All details relating to the transactions including the price and other policies should be stored as well. All these things will be needed just in case you are not satisfied with the rings that you have ordered.
• When ordering rings like white gold rings, keep in mind that size matters. Size matters for the wearer of the ring. A ring that is too small will be problematic and may pinch the finger of the user. And if the ring is too large then this will not look good on the finger plus this may fall off if left alone. It is for this reason that ring sizes should be of utmost importance when shopping.
Many countries feature different ways of measuring and assessing the ring sizes. In the United Kingdom Cheap MLB Baseball Jerseys , the rings are grouped in alphabetical scale. The ring sizes in UK runs from A to Z, where A is the smallest rings and Z is the largest available ring in the market. Keep in mind as well that these rings are available as well in half sizes, and this is an important reminder if the finger is in between the available sizes. Right now Cheap Baseball Jerseys , the most popular sizes of rings are the M to Q and most ring sales belong to these groups. If you find it hard looking for the right size, check the ring size chart.